Are we who we are? Are we created from God's image? Or are we a product of evolution that existence of Man is supposedly a product of evolution derive from a species known as Ape, Monkey, Beast? Do you prefer to be a product of God or Beast? Is the purpose of Creation to differentiate between species as such Man rules the Land and is able to also take the Lives of other species? Or is there a higher call that states Satan or the Devil is the greatest enemy of Mankind... To be with God is to follow the teachings of the prophets as in accordance to the belief of the 'People Of The Book'...In a place of 'Thou'Is a place of Do's and Don'tsIn a place of made BelieveIs a place of Good vs Evil...In a place of Right and WrongIs a place of Morals and ImmoralsIt's kind of CreepyI don't belong here...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6nG1Iyxnqg
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